Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Steven Moffat rants at Spoiler Fans. Ben Cook & Colin Patterson Speak (Breakfast 11-05-11)

Oh dear, Moff doesn't like us, i'm going to cry :)


Kinkoman said...

Well I for one will never ever look at spoilers again..... Ohhhhh what that, hmmm that was a big spoiler lol

CuberToy said...

I'm all with Moffat on that one, I hate spoilers. I don't even understand why people do watch movies or show if they already know everything. And spoilers are not what I seek here (and what I hated most, is when I get spoiled just because someone forgot to mention there were spoilers).

At least, here, you mention if there is spoilers or not in the title.

Combom said...

red hair? i remember when my green hair caused issues in the 1970s

D0ct0r11 said...

He moans about this in DWM, too. It's gotten pretty tiring.

Blink said...

I agree Doctor11... writing about it in DWM was one thing, but as annoying as it must be for Moffat, he should let it go and learn not to show fans whole episodes in advance!

In the end, not that many people saw the spoilers, and most people ignored it thinking it was made up!

Mike Jackson said...

I thought the BBC releasing the pictures of the Doctor being shot by the astronaut and swirling with regeneration energy were insanely spoilery, though that didn't ruin the show for me. We are all trying to think of what it means, duplicate doctors, clones, time rewind, basically outguess what Moffat is up to anyway in the aftermath.

Sometimes it's hard to avoid spoilers or let something slip unintentionally anyway. Heck, BBC America's Doctor Who special let's slip either a complete spoiler or deliberate misdirection showing the filming of the scene where the astronaut shoots the Doctor.

SPOILER ALERT; LOOK AWAY NOW - which anyone who watched that should have spotted:

There's a shot with a male stuntman/extra visible in the suit with the visor up hand in 'shooting' position and Alex Kingston is off camera wrapped up to one side, apparently to deliver her lines as if she were in the suit.

Matt is shown praising her as a trooper wanting to deliver her lines that a PA could have just read for her, but she was there reading her part out of camera shot in full character, tears streaming down her face. And then they show a two-shot of them and Alex as is acting her ass off, crying apparently as she might eventually be seen in the suit that she has to shoot this future, possibly ersatz Doctor dead as part of some over-arching plan to finally defeat the Silence. It makes the "It's okay, I know it's you" line make a lot of sense.

Perhaps this version of the Doctor knows whatever is about to happen is absolutely necessary and is trying to tell River it's okay, she has to do it to save everyone. I don't have a clue what or how this plot will unfold, if it's really going to be what really happens instead of a misdirection they filmed to put spoiler viewers on the wrong track to protect the intended 'real' plot or not. But even if it was just to throw us off, not even knowing what the dialogue filmed was because that wasn't audible, the look on Alex Kingston's face crying and Matt's "it's okay, really, it's okay" expression urging her to kill him for what surely is a tactical move for the greater good was really, really moving. I can't imagine what that would be like having someone you care about, someone you love saying "You have to do this to save us all. It's okay", would be like. And I've seen that now, and that's a real chunk of something to think about.

Is it a spoiler? Well most of us were guessing it had to be River in the suit anyway since she killed someone so how much of a spoiler would that behind the scenes peek be? We know the 'proper' Doctor can't be dead, that there will surely be Doctor's after Matt leaves the role, so we have a poser.

It doesn't take much imagination to guess what the dialogue would be. RIVER: "I can't go through with this, I know I said I could but I can't." DOCTOR: "But you've already seen that it happens. It's going to be okay. I promise." RIVER: "How can this be okay? I can't do this! I love you!" DOCTOR: "Then trust me. And do what the Doctor's friends always do. As they're told."

Then on the other hand, if I guessed that correctly I'll eat my hat because I never guess correctly, but that would be cool and Moffat is usually about 100 times cooler than I can ever guess, so I think what he really has in mind will be so much more awesome.

I hope Moffat's rant was just some mild venting on his part and not representative of a crushing disappointment because spoiler or not, the ride is the thing and watching it no matter how many tidbits I might know ahead of time never affects my enjoyment.

Square Eyes said...

He's right, people shouldn't. It just ruins it. its alright for people to give light spoilers but not episode plots and stuff, it's pathetic!!!

if you do, shame on you.

Lucille7777 said...

Moffat is being infantile, he and the BBC can hype the show without giving full viewings to how many people, 50 or 100 or more? Then expect people not to tell?

Moffat is being ridiculous, I honestly miss Russell T. Davis and I didn't think I'd be saying that quite so soon.

Also, viewers have to take responsibility too, if they don’t’ want to see spoilers they know how to avoid them.