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Saturday, 4 February 2012

New Assistant News Doctor Who

A Steven Moffat quote from the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular programme gives is clue about the new assistant, due to replace Amy in Rory half way through series 7;

...hes about to say hello to someone very different - the Doctor is going to meet someone very new in the very last place he could ever have expected...


I think we can agree its not a Dalek, so let the speculation begin!


Paul Aspel said...

the last place he would expect? inside the tardis? the tardis maybe? ooh that would be interesting...

dalek1099dw said...

The ruins of skaro exist so a visit there perhaps?

P said...

Replacing Amy in Rory? My my, Moffat's taking risks here... in vitro is certainly is a bold step forward for the series.

Jeremy Bonwz said...

I was at the Symphonic Spectacular and after reading this in the interval, wondered how long it would take for this little clue to reach the UK.

Felix Lam said...
