Doctor Who returns for the Christmas Special in:

Saturday, 1 November 2014

WATCH: Doctor Who Extra - Dark Water


Mr. Fartsalot said...

oh, great...

Scarilian said...

Yay... ¬_¬
So rather than bring back a proper female villain they turn a well known male villain with a great dynamic into another River Song or Tasha Lem style character who kisses the Doctor... just because...

Ingold Inglorion said...

It's the Moffat way! I was quite critical of it at first but I want to see the second part before I pass judgement, I've decided. There's possibly more to the Master's gender-bend than we think....some of his/her lines almost hint that he's trying to steal the Doctor's body again. It's hard to imagine how the Master, with his botched resurrection, somehow got a stable body again after using up his life force on Daltillon. And of course, if there isn't, I'll fully crap. Would have rather had Romana back with a grudge. But I'll wait until after saturday before I totally lose any sleep over it.