Saturday, 23 April 2011

Are The Silence Scary? Doctor Who

So a new monster, based around The Scream painting, with a look of a Cyberman's head, and a hint of Men-in-black urban legend, but are they scary?

My daughter is 4 and soon as she saw a Silent, went to hide behind me, and really didn't like them, she called it a "Scary Monster" so hiding behind the settee is back! Good work, Moff!


RabidPuppyDesign said...

they freaked me out, and i was say with my mouth agape as it killed that ditsy american women, but they don't really scare me

Good job Moff as scaring the lil kiddies though hehehe..

Tom said...

It freaked me out when River Song saw the Silence (family?) down in the tunnels.

Ricardo Baptista said...

Freaky is the word that comes to mind.

Angelo said...

well, they get progresively creepy and scary as episode 2 comes along. I know this monster would be remember for a long time though, they have this weird appeal to them. You know what bug me about them, they are dress very formal. I don't know why, but it's something weird.

James said...

To me, Moffet is playing off every basic fear with them- they have skull-like faces, (and also resembling the scream painting), they don't really talk and you don't remember them so they're mysterious, they're tall and dress in suits so they have an authoritative sort of feel, and basically every time something goes bump in the night but there's seemingly nothing it's them

Luca said...

I dunno, I forgot what they looked like ;P (I think thats the right answer)

Square Eyes said...

What monster?

1982 Topps blog - My 1st Cards said...

They were kinda scary, but I found them less intimidating after one spoke to Amy & let her go.

They're more frustrating than scary, to me. Frustrating because you forget the whole thing after you look away -- then you have to start all over.

I like a frustrating baddie though. It's rare to pull off a frustrating one, much easier to pull off scary.

So if it's scary to some, and frustrating to just me, I don't know.

Paradox said...

Well I personally thought they were very cool but they terrified both of my sisters. So good job to Moff for creating yet another cool villain.

Steve W. said...

Yup, The Silence are scary. And to think they used to say silence is golden.

newelectricmuse said...

If you're talking about scaring children the best thing about them is once you've checked under the bed to make sure they're not there, you need to check again because you will have forgotten the first time..and the second..