Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Life, Doctor Who, and Combom Upgrades to a New Domain

It goes on forever . . .
For whatever reason, you may have noticed our incredibly dramatic but short-lived countdown late last night. If you live in the United Kingdom, you may have been asleep at midnight. Elsewhere in the world, you might have been busy. If you've got the attention span of Bonnie Langford on a pogo stick, you may have been distracted by the pretty wallpaper we posted.

But there is no suitable reason for you to forget our new and improved domain. After years of relying on the old Blogspot address—which only redirects now—Combom finally decided to break into Fort Knox and bankrupt the world economy to pay for our new domain. It was a tenner, if you must know, but your comprehensive Doctor Who news has never before been so neatly wrapped up in such a succinct, memorable URL.

That's C-O-M, B-O-M, dot C-O, dot U-K. Got that? It's just as many letters as you've got fingers. Or, at least, we hope so . . .

And, as previously stated, in case you prefer the older Blogspot domain, you'll have no trouble from us. After all, the old link immediately redirects you to the proper site, which is still powered by Blogger. That means you'll see no diminishing in the quality or relative frequency of our posting over the long term; we're using the exact same software!

So what was the point, you ask, Mr. Hypothetical Reader? Well, obviously, "Combom" is easier to remember than "lifetheuniverseandcombom", which doesn't even represent the site's title anymore. Google should also be more appreciative of us as a .co.uk site rather than as a generic blog. 

Unfortunately the side-effect is that, for the time being, Google and other search engines will have a tough time adjusting to our shift in domain. That goes for our Twitter feed and integrated search function in the sidebar as well, since it's powered by Google, of course. This is normal, and it should all clear up in a few weeks, if not days.

What's far less important in our eyes, and yet probably critical for some of our fellow bloggers, is this site's blog roll. If you don't know what that is, suffice to say it's a tool for blogs to advertise other blogs' posts on a regular, timely basis. We have enjoyed the success of our blog roll, and we certainly aren't going to let it die. Just comment on this post, any possible subsequent post about a blog roll, or E-Mail us to get your Doctor Who-related blog featured on this site! Remember, we'll friend you only if you friend us as well.

This change in domain further gives us the opportunity and the excuse to get some Spring Cleaning done and away with. The Labels are often redundant and unnecessary; the sidebar is cluttered; the archives are disjointed; and the mobile site needs tweaking. That's more than enough for us to worry about, of course, without our attempt to be at least in the neighborhood of 15 posts per day—or in yesterday's case, a stunning 29 posts. But any suggestions, submitted on the Chatango, the Shoutbox, or the E-Mails will be  much appreciated. For instance, soon after Gavin Bollard suggested it here, we changed the site's standard Blogger favicon to a new Combom C.

Meanwhile, as a piece of side-news that hardly belongs here or on its own, we recently received word from Dave Golder of SFX that the Blog Awards have closed! Voting is over, and results will be "imminent". Perhaps as soon as this post is published?

We're always trying to balance our "minimalist design" with the goal of achieving the best possible, most comprehensive Whoniverse experience; and only you, our faithful and ever-growing readership, can make it possible. In a way, we're returning to our roots: minimalism meets universality with a brand new, ten-letter domain. It's fast, easy, accessible, and still all about Life, Doctor Who, and of course Combom.