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Saturday, 30 April 2011

Watch Doctor Who ''Day of the Moon'' Here — Series 6, Episode 2, Free and Streaming

MegaVideo Version (NO daily limit):

4shared Version (daily limit):

Something to bear in mind:

I have just mentioned this on the chat box but I think I will put what I said there here:

The site that had last weeks up like, an hour later is being lame and still doesn't have it uploaded. 

— Taken from an unnamed Tweeter 

This sort of thing does NOT want to make me even want to bother trying to help people.   I dont know about the rest of either the Combom team here or Doctor Who Media team, but I am a human and I kinda have feelings. So spending hours uploading several things several times over to help people, when I barely have enough time anyway, makes me want to feel appreciated some time.

Edit -  OK I admit I kinda did this to try to get a message across and get peoples reaction to it. Its all true but I kinda over exaggerated it a bit. Besides....we did a live stream, if you didn't watch it then, then its your own damn fault.


Snake said...

Great job, as usual !
A question about the confidential. There were six very famous pop/rock/blues song, but I can't get the title of the second one, the fifth and the sixth one (The first being Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones, the third Voodoo Child slight return by Jimmy Hendrix, the forth Get Around by the Beach Boys)
Help requested please. =)

Abby said...

Second time was even better.
So who is the women with the eyepatch who says something about dreaming? And the door with the slot window that changed to solid? There is something definitely fishy there.

Square Eyes said...

I think the little girl is the Doctor and Rivers daughter!

10thPlanet said...

The "Eye Patch Woman" is apparently Madame Kovarian. We know a little more about her, but I won't spoil. :)

.Elizabeth said...

Aww already reached daily limit :(

liminalD said...

Thanks for that guys... REALLY appreciate it (I live in New Zealand and the live streaming video you put up kept stopping every few seconds... too many users?) Don't know what I'd do without you :)

Collin Kelley said...

Your uploading is very appreciated by this Who fan. Don't let impatient, self-centered assholes get you down.

About the episode -- holy crap! What a mind job. I'm sure some folks will feel cheated because more questions are asked than answered, but what a brilliant episode. River Song -- epic!

barnert said...

One more vote of massive thanks for your efforts. I got cut off in the middle of watching it, but it got me just far enough that my download had finished, so it all worked out perfectly for me. You rock!

10thPlanet said...

Well, what PCJ does here is something VERY few sites will bother to offer, so I find it deplorable that some people will complain about us like that.

In any case, the Megavideo is at 80% conversion, and it's been unbearable slow, no fault to PCJ.

An said...

Please, what you guys do is FANTASTIC, you help us who have no other way, don't let morons get you down, they're all over the net, just swat them like the flies they are in your mind and remember there are 10 times as many that count on your help. As always, thanks again.


Naz said...

Strangely... If you watch it via here there's no limit alert but if you click through there is

Anne said...

Thank you so much! I really appreciate being able to access Dr Who here, as I live in NZ and don't have a TV. You guys rock!

Odessa said...

As an American that can't get BBCA where I moved, I depend on you.
There will always be a few sour complainers-- but there are 200 times the number of people that are really appreciative.

Claire W. said...

Don't listen to the haters. You spoil us with how fast you are sometimes. (In the good way, not the River way).

Charles said...

I'm from America and I want to let you know that your doing a great job and I really appreciate you and the rest of the team getting the videos out as quickly as you can.

Samuel Lewis said...

As for the person that said that comment about being lame..umm..nice way of putting it..screw them! I live in america and its always up by the time I've watched it. If they seriously expect it that quick then they expect to much! I appreciate all you guys do and constantly point friends to you whenever someone asks for a source! Never change rock!

Lucille7777 said...

@PCJ, I don't know what you are talking about, but nevertheless, thank you, thank you thank you for uploading the first episode of the 6th series, XXX and smooches. And that goes too for the rest of the Life, Doctor Who & Combom team too!

P.S. I just watched the video and it played flawlessly from beginning to end and I'm in America if that is helpful information at all. Thanks again!

10thPlanet said...

The Megavideo is up, by the way. But you probably already noticed that, you clever people. :)

littlefoo20 said...

Oh no! What an ahole. I look forward to coming to this site. Anyone familiar to downloading knows that servers are busy and overloaded whenever a new episode of ANY popular show is on. They should be more understanding and grateful. If it means anything, I am very grateful to everyone at combom who takes their time to upload new material for us. It's hard and time consuming. For every 1 jerk, you have 20 more that are very thankful for everything you do. xoxoxo, Sandy

Mike Jackson said...

Don't let one asshole get you down. All the stuff you do is appreciated.

The only thing I would venture is go easier on Katy and Colin because this is probably how they'd feel too. Not nice to pick on the weak, and not good form.

But on all the links, outta sight work.

jeff said...

Thank you so much! That was a SUPERB viewing experience, and it was all down to you for caring about the show, and the fandom.

Thanks, again for this and your continued effort.

10thPlanet said...

I've gotten very tired of the Colin and Katy jokes, but when people don't submit, we need something to do.

Claire B. said...

Please, please know that I, at least, really appreciate being able to watch these episodes. I'm watching DotM for the third time right now thanks to you, and enjoying it just as much as the first. I'm an American without access to the BBC in any shape or form, so this website is my only source for DW in anything remotely resembling a timely manner. I really rely on you guys, so thanks for being so very kind and providing me this resource.

Sonia said...

7 of us in this house are giving you a big THANK YOU!

10thPlanet said...

And four of us here are saying, "You're welcome." :)

Dangerously Superb said...

THAT WAS FANTASTIC! A Billion questions, and like two answers!
Quick Question, I'm downloading the 4shared link, but what video file type is it? thnx!

And you guys rock, don't listen to those kinds of people!

LexieBird said...

I think you're doing great. We're an entire week behind in Australia, and you have no idea (actually you probably have a pretty good idea) how great it is to be able to watch the episodes pretty much as they air in Britain. So thanks.

Although, I haven't actually watched either of the episodes yet - my plan was to wait and watch both in quick succession. I think I'll go do that now! :D

David Burns Smith said...

This series is AMAZING! My wife & I have this site to thank for bringing it to us. Strong Work!

Kylie said...

Thanks for your generosity in uploading this for us poor colonials who haven't seen it yet!! It is greatly appreciated.

The Snappy Sneezer said...

Hey I was at work, did not see that nutter's response. You are great and many thanks. If you can get that guys ip, ban him, otherwise, please don't let one sour grape spoil the bunch, Most of us really do appreciate what you do and your sites. If I had money I'd give you some, unfortunately I am a starving artist/ poor Wal-Mart employee.

Drtennantlover said...

That tweeter doesn't belong here, the nerve of some people.Must have been a minion.

^_^ Great job Combom's team

loving this season already.

Combom said...

great uploads m8, BTW we never had last weeks up in an hour, perhaps its on about another DOWNLOAD site?

chris said...

Episode = Mind rattling excellence

Uploading of material and links by this site = Beyond wonderful!

Thank you.

PS.If that rude tweet was in reference to this site they are sadly confused and not worth a second thought.

GaP said...

Your efforts are appreciated. My MY day in fact. Screw the haters. The world is full of them...and they should be ignored. Thank you VERY much.

joker67 said...
This post has been removed by the author.
joker67 said...

I saw my first Doctor Who episode last year (11th Hour) and then hit the net looking for websites and info on the show, as I knew it had been around for a long time. Once I found this site, it became my "go to" site for up to the minute DW news. This is my favorite non political website, and I really appreciate all the hard work and time you put in to this website.

marthaforeverandever said...

I'm sorry that Twitter person was so rude. I think it's lovely that you're doing this for people. Try to focus on the positive people and don't worry about the ones who don't think of the uploaders as people. Thanks so much for doing this, I get it on Cable but it's nice to be able to pause and think about it while doing other stuff on the computer. You rock. :-)

Rachel S. said...

Do you think you could tag this with "day of the moon" so that we're able to find the episode more easily?
Thank you so much for all your work! I couldn't live without this site.