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Thursday, 23 September 2010

The BBC Reusing Props Doctor Who

(You need to Click to see the full size image)

Rob Ritchie tells me he was skipping though Doctor Who the Invasion of Time for some material to edit, when some props in a few corridor scenes caught his eye.

They looked a little familiar and he realised they have the same lamps on the new Matt Smith TARDIS Console Room Set!

Left is the TARDIS, right is the Invasion of Time. Is this the BBC reusing props, or pure co-incidence? Whatever the answer, well spotted Rob, and thanx for the email!


10thPlanet said...

So THAT's what those are! Ooooh . . .

Walt said...

Standard Gallifreyan lighting fixture, obviously.

D0ct0r11 said...

I thought they were part of a ship, to tie in with the TARDIS' lamp being from a ship...

cute or kill? said...

Those are Pileo lamps manufactured by Artemide. They also appear all over the place on Space: 1999.