Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Doctor Who Alumni Star in Spin-Off Radiophonic Drama ''The Minister of Chance''

Give him a chance to change your world.
"Once upon a time, in the city of Tantillion, on the island of Tanto, there was a barmaid called Kitty. One night a stranger walked in, and through a door, and over the Frost Bridge into another world. And Kitty followed him . . ."
In a recent interview with Shadowlocked, Sylvester McCoy discussed his involvement in a brand new project called The Minister of Chance. It's a Doctor Who spin-off that stars more than just the Seventh Doctor and Paul McGann; this exciting adventure substantially broadens the Whoniverse and the possibilities for fan-made productions.
The Minister of Chance is a new form of entertainment — a radiophonic drama — made using a combination of film and radio techniques and delivered by podcast. It is the first, but we hope not last, of its kind. By painstakingly constructing soundscapes we create worlds that you can drift into wherever you are. Upcoming episodes are here. 
The series will run in seasons of six episodes. The first two episodes and a prologue have been made and the remaining episodes and seasons will be created when we have enough sales to allow us to make them.
The press release explains gives an even more stirring explanation, and a shout-out as well.
More immersive than a movie - More 3D than Avatar and you can take it anywhere... 
A stellar cast and award winning production team create an intricate and exciting series. . . . We don’t have the aid of the BBC, the Government, or any other criminal organization, so if you like it, please tell people and we’ll make more.
As fans of the Big Finish audio series will remember, this radiophonic drama and its eponymous character derive more than just a name from "The Minister of Chance", a Time Lord voiced by Stephen Fry in Death Comes to Time. Actor Julian Wadham takes up the role this time, and he doesn't disappoint.

Sylvester McCoy discusses this project more in the aforementioned and afore-linked Shadowlocked interview.
McCoy (left) and McGann (right).
[Dan Freeman, Producer] offered me a part and this time I said that I wanted to be a villain. They're much more fun. Having played a superhero for such a long time, it's kind of nice to be a nasty villain.
I think [the production's revenue-driven base is] very exciting, don't you? Also it takes away middle-men and lots of other things, and the creative artist can be a lot nearer to the final show. I have my fingers crossed that it will excite other people and they'll download it. I don't know quite how to do that myself, of course [laughs].
Click here to explore the official site of The Minister of Chance. The prologue is available for free download, and you can buy Episode One now.

Make sure you give The Minister of Chance a chance of its own to demonstrate how truly brilliant it is. Personally, I've only listened to the prologue so far, but I'm genuinely intrigued enough about the rest of the series. In fact, by request, I've decided to review it, so keep a look out for that in the next few days.

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