Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Doctor Who Series 6 & The Cyberman

From yesterdays photographs, here, the Doctor was in a toyshop, and was looking at what appears to be a Cybermat. But is it a Cybermat controlled by the Cyberman, or just a toy the Doctor has found in the shop? It is (currently) episode 12 with James Corden (returning as the series 5 character Craig Owen).

There is supposed to be an Egyptian story is season 6, with Cyberman mummies! Cybermen are now supposed to appear in Gangers, Demons Run, Episode 8, Episode 12, and Episode 13. Season 6 is a Cyberfest!
Matt Smith has said one of his favorite Doctor Who stories is Tomb of the Cyberman, so could this be a catalyst to it all?

A rumour is the Cybus Cybermen discover our universe Cybermen and form an alliance. Personally I'd really like to see our universe Cyberman, they are believed to be inside the Egyptian mummies, but with BBC cutbacks, why am I thinking we will only see Cybus Cyberman? Or will they go ahead with this, but only have a different chest-plate like in the games?

Filming yesterday was on the first floor of the Millennium Centre in Cardiff, which was used as the inside of the Cybership, go here and follow the Farcebook link.

I bet Character are keen on marketing the Cybermat, whats the betting its already in the pipeline, and I want one :)


Dalek1099 said...

How do we know the millenium centre filming was for the cybership?

Combom said...

reading the blog yesterday helps - someone took pics of it and was there

see the facebook photographs and comments

Vortex said...

New coat???