Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Doctor Who Fourth Dimension Mystery Solved — And No One Cares

The mystery lasted for weeks, over a month, with italicized text in the official BBC site's Fourth Dimension page apparently hinting at some exciting future plot. The BBC even released an exciting secret video called Analysis Lessons (see above), which commenter Dregyn points out is an anagram of "Lonely Angels". Visiting this related link brings up some login-encoded restriction.
Person 1: "All the secrets you seek can be found here on the Webb.
Person 2: "We found your message! You're alive! But what secrets 'D'you mean my friend?
Person 1: "I mean I glimpsed him! And may the gods help him. Perhaps you can."
All of this secrecy: and what did we get? Cryptic clues whose resolution is as pointless as the clues were intriguing. The hidden messages weren't for any plotline or online adventure; instead, the Doctor Who team was proud to announce that theatre company Punchdrunk will open another Doctor Who live show, titled "The Crash of the Elysium", as if Doctor Who Live hasn't satisfied us.

In a remarkable turn of events, "Elysium" is a live stage show made specifically for children aged 6 to 12. Parents won't even be admitted unless they attend the family show. The show runs at the Manchester International Festival from June 30th to July 17th. Booking and event information is available at the MIF site.

Was it appropriate for the BBC to mislead fans about this Fourth Dimension victory? Does this just underscore fans' gullibility? Could there still be some vague connection to the series? At the very least, we know for sure that children aged 6 to 12 weren't the ones eagerly following the italicized code.

1 comment :

mujie said...


Now I'm officially getting annoyed by Doctor Who! I can't do the scriptwriting competition, and even this I can't go! And when I was young enough, all the Doctor Who events were in Manchester!

Thank you, Moffat, you keep everyone's hopes up, and about 3,000,000 people can't go!