Saturday, 19 November 2011

Doctor Who on Children in Need - Please don't forget what it's about!

I rarely ever post but this got on my nerves enough to point out. A few hours ago, the Doctor Who Skit and trailer was aired, I uploaded a Full HD version of it and Whovians went mad with it all, on twitter and in other places, and that was fine. But what becomes despicable is when we, as Whovians, ignore what Children in Need is about. I'm not going to make a big post on this but I just want you all to stop and think and hate me all you like, I don't care.

What disturbs me is when people comment about these Celeb's, especially Whovians, and not about the causes. Doctor Who teaches you a lot of good values but I think one of the most important was the quote from the Beast Below:
What if you were really old, and really kind and alone? Your whole race dead, no future. What couldn't you do then? If you were that old, and that kind, (Amy looks at the Doctor) and the very last of your couldn't just stand there and watch children cry.
So why is it when we have an opportunity to show this, do I find tweets such as the one below as soon as Karen Gillan comes on?
Karen Gillan is so prettyyyy why can't i be her
 We know all this. We have seen her for TWO years already. Instead why do you not remember the values of CiN. I have recorded her clip, along with the rest of CiN in 1080p but, unless people want the ENTIRE program, I will not be uploading it. I will not be uploading a tragedy clip because of Karen and not because of Todd, the child.

For the rest of tonight, we should all STOP thinking about our favourite Celeb's (no matter how much you want to sleep with them) and focus on WHY it is on, and remember this. You have one hour left till the show ends. Please get some perspective and keep with us for at least this time.

End of Rant :)
Edit: If your blind, this post is by PCJ and not Combom. We are separate people!


Marie A Parsons said...


Andrew Davies-Land said...

Way to go PCJ your comments are a million percent justified!!

Cynthia Markey said...

Being in the U.S. I'm not able to view the show. I think it's fun to see the clips, and I'm grateful that there is someone in the U.K. viewing area kind enough to upload it.

I agree with you 100% and I don't have a lot of patience for people who tune out the message because they just want to ogle celebrity they find attractive, though I tend to find celebrities a LOT more attractive when they use their celebrity to direct attention to charitable causes! There are a lot of causes which need financial support, and I try to give my support as I can.

Having said that - how can someone outside of the U.K. support Children In Need?

Mike Jackson said...

Well said Jonathan.

com bom said...

you can still donate :)

Matt Smith Updates said...

Without the celebs the show would have half the viewing figures and probably half the money. Just post some Doctor Who news that's what we come here for...

Adam Kalontas Jędrys said...

I seriously think you're overreacting. Nowhere does "Why can't I be Karen" say "I will NOT donate". That person might have as well donated AND commented on actress' prettiness. Just wanted to say - the two facts don't negate each other.

Cynthia Markey said...

I donated :-) Gotta love Paypal. Had to look up the exchange rate first - presently £1.00 is approximately equal to $1.60.

Gerard Groves said...


Andrew DiNanno said...

You make some valid points but just because someone comments on how pretty Karen Gillan is doesn't mean they forgot what Children in Need is about. I think you're completely overreacting. Did you bother to ask the person who wrote that tweet if they knew what Children in Need is about? I don't think you did. I think you have anger issues you need to deal with PCJ. Go see a therapist.