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Monday, 7 May 2012

Doctor Who Theme in 8 Floppy Drives

I guess someone had to figure out how to do this. Glad it wasn't me.
Source :MrSolidSnake475


com bom said...

whats a floppy disk :)

Mike Jackson said...

It's like a CD-ROM, only it was floppy like a boneless CD-ROM. It's an ancient thing from the medieval era of computing. This was so long ago you could actually get the external device covered in saber-tooth suede or mammoth leather. Ask you grand-dad, he may still have one in the back of his closet next to some old men's magazines.

pcjonathan said...

I believe he was being sarcastic :P Combom IS a grand-dad.

com bom said...

yeah im a grandad, i used the internet before the birth of the www in 1995, plus remember when floppys where the only disc about (b4 cd and dvd) :)

Mike Jackson said...

I only get sarcastic when I've had a few too many...