Tuesday, 10 July 2012

New Doctor Who Character Building Action Figure sets

Two new Doctor Who themed action figure sets are being released this summer. On July 10th you’ll see the Dalek Ship (featured in several new series episodes) which has laser cannons, a transparent dome and two bronze Daleks. There’s also a skimmer car so they can fly in close to exterminate. This set is not yet listed on Character Options' website but will be priced at £29.99.
The Silences space ship (featured in The Lodger and Day of the Moon) is also one of the new Character Building sets to be released. It is priced at £19.99 and comes with 2 silence action figures. It is currently listed on Character Options' website for release date of 28th July 2012.


Jonathan Holt said...

actually a confirmation from BBC that the spaceship in the Lodger WAS a Silents spaceship then?

Scott Gerrard said...

The Spaceship from the Lodger appeared in The Day of the Moon if I remember correctly.

SeƱor L. said...

How  can I get these in the USA?
Thank you.