Doctor Who returns in:


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Who do you think killed all the Daleks in Asylum of the Daleks?

Over the past number of years, The Doctor has generally been the one to do the saving. But not always! Rose in The Parting of the Ways. Donna in Journey's End.

In practically every Doctor Who trailer for Asylum of the Daleks and Series 7 as a whole so far, we've had the following situation finish it off for us:

Rory: "Who killed all the Daleks?"
Doctor: "Who do you think?" *Raises eyebrows*

So my question is this. Who do you think killed all the Daleks? Was it The Doctor as usual? Was it a red herring pointing to Amy who collapsed after doing so? Or was it someone totally unexpected like Darla? Let the voting commence!

The result will be announced just before the UK Airing of Asylum of the Daleks


Christopher Stone said...

Donna did save the day by taking control of all the various systems that the Daleks used, but it was in fact the Metacrisis Doctor who threw the switch that made nearly all of those Daleks self-destruct. So the doctor actually being the one who killed the daleks is just as reasonable as any other choice.

For some reason, I'm almost expecting River Song to somehow be involved. Something about the dalek in the museum begging her for mercy...

Combom Pazza said...

it has to be "other", the bit series 7 baddie, the daleks will return in e13 to fight him/her/it/them :)

mujie said...

@facebook-1369843902:disqus Then it could just as likely be Amy. There's too much pride in the Doctor's voice to be himself. It's obviously not Rory.

Tom Geerlings said...

It has to be "The Rani".

KInkoman said...

I voted for PCJ, I bet he did it, How could you PCJ?!

The Gene Genie said...

To be honest, I thought all along it was the Doctor. No, seriously, I did. He was far too smug in that trailer, and almost sarcastic. The Oncoming Storm - of course it would be him.

The Gene Genie said...

Sadly, Moffat has said he'll never bring the Rani back though.

The Gene Genie said...

I was sort of expecting that too. I thought that Darla would be another incarnation of Amy (somehow) and that her daughter would be River, so River was trapped in the Asylum.