Thursday, 8 July 2010

Download All The Doctor Who Target Novels Here

I have posted links to the Doctor Who Target novels before, but have recently had reports about the blog that posted them is no more, plus broken links etc. etc.

So rather than attempt to sort out a mess, here are all the 156 Doctor Who Target Novelisations, plus the 5 fan made missing novelisations, plus 7 unnumbered titles including Harry Sullivan's War, so this is the lot (yes, there are a few other Doctor Who Target books, but these are all the novels!).

You can download them here, in one 85meg archive. The archive is tested and working, so there is no technical support. If you have any issues ask Google, or comment and help each-other, they are all standard PDFs BTW, you will need a PDF reader, ask Google, the archive is a .rar file, ask Google. Still stuck? Look here.

Here is a link to all about the Target novels.


Nik Nak said...

Betcha someone’s gonna ask you what a .rar file is!!!

Combom said...

what is a .rar file?......... DOH!

10thPlanet said...

What is this Google of which you speak?

Lloyd Jason said...

Think I'm going to be doing a massive sync to my ipad once I get home

Combom said...

perhaps we need a tutorial on using the internet, and reading english too?

The Bradford Curse aka The Snappy Sneezer said...


hs said...

Thanks a lot for this combom!

Like Lloyd Jason, I synced all of these books to my iPad!

bigbradwolf said...

Holy sh*t - these are FANTASTIC - what a wonderful, wonderful... thing. I grew up with all these and was devastated when mould and damp and leaking storage ceiling ruined the majority of my much sought after collection. Thanks SO much for sharing this. Do you know if anyone's done anything similar with the New Adventures et cetera? I had them all too but lost them for very different reasons - poverty at university and eBay.