Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A Brief Analysis of Last Night's Un-Embargoed Series 6 Doctor Who Images

In case you missed the full set, it's imperative for your standing in the Whovian community and for your sanity that you see all of the high-resolution images; however, we'll only be looking at a few of them.
A green-ish Rory.
Along with a fantastic look-see at Hugh Bonneville as the infamous Captain Avery, we earned a first look at the TARDIS crew, astonished at something they've seen. It's probably a Siren giving off her usual glow, which would explain the slightly greenish tinge on Rory's skin. Or am I just seeing things?
Uncle and Auntie offer Idris to the Doctor.
These are some of Neil Gaiman's favourite characters, Uncle and Auntie, whose larger roles have largely been cut out of the script. This image suggests one of two speculative ideas: either Idris is a direct product of this world and not, as we've previously wondered, a manifestation of the TARDIS; or Idris is foreign to this world for the very same reason, or one similar, and as such Uncle and Auntie see her as different, maybe even a threat.
Wallander's Sarah Smart as "a Ganger"?
This one is obviously from "The Rebel Flesh" and "The Almost People"; this character might represent one of the "Gangers", as in doppelgänger, or a failed one. Are we going to see Matt Smith in similar makeup?
"The spaceman told me . . ."
If we assume that the little girl in the Prequel was referring to the Doctor when she told Nixon about "the spaceman", then the following speculation is completely cleared up; otherwise, if she meant the Impossible Astronaut, then this could get tricky. The current rumour making the rounds is that the little girl is the astronaut. Told you this would get spoiler-y. Didn't we . . .?
And now we get to it . . .
The Cybermen. Confirmed. We already knew the Cybermats will be returning for the first time in decades, but now we know they'll be in the first half of Series 6, presumably in "A Good Man Goes to War", the mid-series finale. Also, that's Rory. Yeah. In his Roman outfit—still an Auton? Timey-wimey enough for you? And the Cybermen are finally lacking their Cybus logo, which many will construe to mean that these are Cybermen from "our" universe. Cyberwar, please!


Square Eyes said...

The spaceman suit is designed by the silence to protect the little girl. :s

Cybertrousers said...

Maybe Rory wants them to THINK he's still an Auton.

GORdon said...

"Are we going to see Matt Smith in similar makeup?"

We already have, in the BBC trailer. We see an extreme close-up of Smith in Ganger makeup. He is framed and moves his eye to the left just as he did in the original trailer for series 5 last year, in the scene from The Eleventh Hour.

Angelo said...

spaceman will eat all your souls and melt all of your hearts to mush. The trailers suggest that they clone Amy and the doctor, because of the similarity with trailer for season gnarg

liminalD said...

YUSS!!! BRING ON THE CYBERWAR!!!! If it happened, I think I might just actually die from fangasm, I LOVE the Cybermen!
