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Friday, 12 October 2012

Watch Doctor Who: P.S. - An Unfilmed Mini-sequel to The Angels Take Manhattan Here


Paul Aspel said...

Well, it made me cry like a baby! It would have been a nice coda to the story.

thomas lachac said...

That absolutely needs to be filmed and put on the DVD. That would be a perfect capstone to Amy and Rory, and give me a sooooo much better sense of closure.

Jill McLaren said...

I cried through the whole thing! Heart-breaking, but wonderful, too.

globutl said...

I liked it but too much like the scene in Blink where Sally Sparrow meets her friend's grandson and he hands her a similar letter.

exDWfan said...

It's all bollocks. What's stopping the Doctor from going to 1940 and picking them up? Bad writing.

Felix Lam said...

Arthur's voice over sold it to me. Wish it was filmed. We needed closure for Rory and Brian.

TheDoctorToThe11th said...

At the end of the episode before that last angel shows up to teleport Rory and Amy back in time, the Doctor mentions that he can't ever land in New York again because the, "timelines are too scrambled."

MW said...

I understand that, but why didn't he just tell Amy, "OK, go back and find Rory and go to Philadelphia (or Boston or wherever). I'll meet you there."

Chasmosaur said...

Because Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill are done with the show.

MW said...

I get that. And I really enjoyed the episode. I was just agreeing with exDWfan that the way they were written out of the series had some holes in it.

ECHammer said...

Perhaps it was left open like that on purpose to be able to bring back Amy and Rory for the 50th anniversary episode. There was a hint that they might be back, though someone can correct me if I'm wrong about that.